Monitored Variables | Units | Recording Interval |
Precipitation | mm | 1 min |
Absolute humidity | g m-3 | 30 min |
Relative humidity | % | 30 min |
Air temperature | ° C | 30 min |
Atmospheric pressure | hPa | 30 min |
Incoming longwave radiation | W m-2 | 30 min |
Incoming shortwave radiation | W m-2 | 30 min |
Outgoing longwave radiation | W m-2 | 30 min |
Outgoing shortwave radiation | W m-2 | 30 min |
Wind direction | degrees | 30 min |
Wind speed | m s-1 | 30 min |
3D wind speed data | m s-1 | 30 min |
Soil volumetric water content and temperature (5, 10, 15, 25, 50cm depths) (TDT) | % and ° C | 30 min |
Profile soil volumetric water content (15, 40, 65cm depths) (IMKO) | % | 30 min |
Profile soil temperature (2, 5, 10, 20, 50cm depths) (STP) | ° C | 30 min |
Soil heat flux | W m-2 | 30 min |
Snow depth | mm | 30 min |
Derived Variables | Units | Interval |
'COSMOS' soil volumetric water content from the CRNS | % | Daily / hourly |
Typical sensing depth of the CRNS (D86) | cm | Daily / hourly |
Corrected neutron counts from the CRNS | counts | Hourly |
Net radiation | W m-2 | 30 min |
Potential evaporation | mm | Daily / 30 min |
Atmospheric pressure at sea level | hPa | Daily / 30 min |
Albedo | - | Daily |
Soil moisture index (SMI) | - | Daily |
Snow days | Yes / No | Daily |
Snow Water Equivalent from the CRNS | mm | Daily |
Snow Water Equivalent from the SnowFox | mm | Daily |
For further information regarding these data and the instrumentation, please see the COSMOS-UK User Guide available from the Resources page.