Data requests
Near real-time COSMOS-UK data are available to freely download by submitting the form below. Data are available up to the end of yesterday. All data supplied via this form must be considered to be provisional, in that they may be subjected to further or revised quality control, and reprocessing. Data are supplied on the understanding that UKCEH accepts no liability for their use.
Note that all data from COSMOS-UK up to the end of 2023 are available for download from the UKCEH Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC). The data are accompanied by documentation that describes the site-specific instrumentation, data and processing including quality control. It is recommended to use and cite this dataset where possible.
Terms of use
By using COSMOS-UK data you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of use.
The following acknowledgement shall be used on all usages of the data including, but not limited to, publications, reports, and use in presentations to any audience:
Acknowledgement: COSMOS-UK data owned by UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. COSMOS-UK is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/Y006208/1 as part of the National Capability for UK Challenges.
Request limits
Given the large number of sites, variables, and timesteps, there is potential for data requests to be very large, particularly for the 30-minute time step collection. Therefore, it is necessary for a limit to be set on the size of a single data request to limit server time-outs.
The current limit of a request is set to 15,000,000 credits. For example, this is enough credits to download (assuming requesting all variables, including data flags):
- All daily data for all sites
- 1 year of 30-minute data for up to 10 sites
- 10 years of 30-minute data for 1 site
Credits are calculated by: (number of sites) x (number of variables) x (number of timesteps)
. Therefore, you can reduce your request by only selecting the variables that are relevant to you and only selecting the time period you are interested in. Note that if you include data flags, the number of variables is doubled.
If you need to download more than the request limit, then please split up your requests, for example by submitting a request per site.