We have recently made improvements to the information we provide for each of our sites. These changes are outlined below and found within the site detail pages on the Network tab.
Top map
- A switch from static map images to dynamic Land Cover Map (LCM) map layers and Ordinance Survey (OS) map layers. These additional features are available under the “layers” button (top right of map).
- LCM maps provide information on the physical material on the surface of the land, including grassland, woodland and freshwater. This is achieved by classifying satellite images which appear as separate colours. Three LCM layers enable the user to compare years (2015, 2018 and 2020) and view change over time. When a LCM layer is selected, a question mark will appear at the top left of the map, this button contains the legend for each LCM layer and an opacity slider. To stack and compare multiple layers, adjust the slider to alter transparency.
- OS vector and raster maps provide background information (such as streets, town names, railway lines, woodlands, footpaths and watercourses). They reveal more detail at high resolution (when you have zoomed in).
Bottom map
- The Ordnance Survey ‘Leisure map’ is provided as a separate resource for those that are more familiar with this type of map. It is only available up until a certain zoom level.
- Two new buttons have been added to toggle between a close-up view of the site or its position within the UK (note that this works for both top and bottom maps simultaneously).
Site details table
- There is provision to add external web links at the bottom of the information table, for example if there are other studies taking place at the same location.